Student Publications

  • Frederick, O., Martindale, T., Whalon, P. Wintker, A.. (Februrary 2018) “Learning to Conduct a Usability Study: from Personas to Data Visualization.” Panel Presentation presented at the Empirical Librarianship Conference, Knoxville, TN.
  • Dosch, B., Clement, K.A., Carter, A., Johnson, L. (2018). “How to Give Them What They Want: Usability Testing of Library Website Resources for Graduate Students.” Panel Presentation presented at the Empirical Librarianship Conference, Knoxville, TN.
  • Clement, K. A., Dosch, B., Johnson, L., Kaufman, J. & Mays, R. (2017). “If You Can’t Expand, How Can You Grow? Space Assessment Studies in the Academic Library.” Panel presentation at the Southeastern Library Assessment Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Dosch, B., Carter, A., Kaufman, J., Carr, S., Clement, K A., & Johnson, L. (2017). A Prologue to Planning: Assessing Use of an Academic Library Graduate Student Study Room. Poster Session presented at the Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.